Category: Hanga | Create

✨🎨GOODBYE 2022🎨✨

✨🎨GOODBYE 2022🎨✨

Kia ora, This year so meany fun things have happened like camp, pools, garden to table and so much more!!! I think my Favourite thing was camp because we got to learn so much new skills, and stay up late talking to friends. But also i’m so sad that i’m leaving.

What was you fav part of 2022


🌱✨🍓Kelly sports fun day🍓✨🌱

🌱✨🍓Kelly sports fun day🍓✨🌱

kia ora, this week on the 13th of December. Kelly sports  came to our school and had a fun day with us! Me and my best friend Marcella help out Misha  for two blocks and then we got to play lots of games, like shark attack, ship wreck, Satellite coach, circle pass.

Has Kelly sports ever came to your school


🏚📸🤍Would you rather🤍📸🏚

     🏚📸🤍-Would you rather-🤍📸🏚

Hi, today we got given a would you rather which was would you rather be the best player on the team but loose every game or be the worst player on the team but win every game. I choose be the best player but loose every game because it dose not matter matter if you loose you should just be happy you tried.

What would you choose?


🌱✨🍓 family fun night🍓✨🌱

🌱✨🍓-family fun night-🍓✨🌱

Hi, yesterday we had family fun night. Where the school preformed 9 groups!! Including Tonga Samoan cook island and more. We all had a great time celebrating different cultures, and dancing. There where also lots of stalls that sold cakes,pizza,toys and plants.

✨Did you like family fun night?✨


🍉🌊✨Ponder 4 Ivan✨🌊🍉

🍉🌊Ivan ponder✨🌊🍉

Hi, today we have another ponder about the one and only ivan. The first ponder was if you think its ok to take anmails away from the habbit which I think they should not be taken away from there natural habbit because they are happy there and dont ant to be put in captivtiy. The second ponder is when should a anamil be taken away from  the wild my answer is never they should never be taken away from there home!!

What do you think?


🌞✨🏝Best camp EVER🏝✨🌞


Yestaday, we had camp witch was amazing. We got to do lots of stuff like rock climbing,archery,coast steering,kayaking,team activities and lots more

My fav camp activitie is cost steering because… we got to jump of rocks and walk through the water, And swim really far of shore.
What was your fav activite?

Here are some photos! 🙂